Parenting Classes

Course Fee: £249.99

Course Description

  • Approved Training Provider
  • Full Tutor Support Throughout the course
  • Convenient and Flexible
  • Well experienced Trainers
  • Competitive course fees
  • Recommended by former students

Understanding your child’s behaviour

In this course you will learn about containment reciprocity and behaviour management and also the theory of attachment parents and learners will be encouraged to reflect on their own practice and how they can apply the learning models to improve parenting skills and gain new skills at the same time.

Course overview
We offer parenting group classes which are managed and facilitated by trained practitioners. Understanding your child’s behaviour is intended for parents who would like to know more about sensitive and effective parenting.

The course aims to develop a framework of thinking about the relationship with parent/child. This is where you can develop a lifelong skill. This in turn promotes effective behaviour management however the group also explore emotional pressures they are under. Some of which will relate to the child and some of which will relate to the way they were parented themselves. We recognise that parenting is a learning journey and from time to time all parents may need a bit of extra information and guidance.

We use the Solihull Approach integrated model of theory and practice over a number of years. This particular model supports the parent/children relationship by emphasising the need for emotional containment and the presence of a reciprocal relationship in order to form the framework for thinking of behaviour management.

By attending a parenting group course, you will have the opportunity to learn positive parenting approaches that are proven to be effective and develop your parenting skills in a supportive environment

The aims of this parenting programme are to enable the participants to understand:
• Parenting styles.
• Explore feelings.
• Communication, for example what is being communicated through behaviour.
• Temper tantrums and what might be meant by them.
• Able to tune into your child.
• Sleep patterns.
• Behavioural difficulties.


At the end of the course the participants will be able to understand;

• To promote understanding of children’s behaviour with context of development.
• To increase confidence and self-esteem in parent and child.
• To give parents a Strategy for repair when things go wrong,
• To promote reflective sensitive and effective parenting.
• To promote communication between themselves and their child/children.

Course Contents

This parenting group course will cover following topics:

Session 1: Introduction to the Solihull Approach Parenting Group
Session 2: How are you and your child feeling
Session 3: Tuning into your child’s developmental needs
Session 4: Responding to your child’s feelings
Session 5: Different styles of parenting
Session 6: Parent-child partnership – having fun together
Session 7: The rhythm of interaction and sleep
Session 8: Self-regulation and anger
Session 9: Communication and attunement – how to recover when things go wrong
Session 10: Celebration!


Conformation of attendance of course is provided. (full attendance to all 10 sessions is required to complete the course)